Friday, September 12, 2008


Tourism today has become a life style. Some of us are even living next to tourist attraction; we have the ideal some of a travelers with gifts such as camera, hat and a souvenir T-shirt from the tourist site.
. Traveling has been made simple and easy through the developments in technology and transport infrastructure.

What will take a week to plan through phone calls, searching through advertisements and visiting travel agencies can be simply done online through one or two websites within a day, and with more airports and better airplanes.
With the development in technology both in communications and transport infrastructure, it is easier than ever to buy airline tickets and plan for a trip within a day. More and more efficient jets are being developed, such as the new two story jet made by Airbus, resulting in more of low-cost airlines. Since with bigger jets, the airline companies can take more passengers to their destination per flight,therby reducing the cost per person. Also, with more accessible airports around the globe, it has made it easier for travelers to reach their destination quicker ,safely, easier and affordable. With these improvements in transport infrastructure and reduction in price, it is possible for some people to attainn to tourism.

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